Friday, February 12, 2010

Riding The Waves

That is the way I feel this week, like I am riding the waves. I am up and then down, I am am under for a bit and then come up for a breath. But I am floating on top so I am not drowning, guess that is a good thing. The month has been very busy in our house and hubby has been working a lot. That is a great thing in this economy, I get that. However, in the menatime I feel a lil overwhelmed by the three kids, dogs and hose that I have to run and keep straight. The errrrand, the schedule, the needs. I have definitely made a completely conscious effort to keep my wprkouts going. I have been creative in how to get them in this week since we had many snow days and a sick child to boot. I still am not sure why I go to food for comfort but know that i do so I guess that is the first step in stopping it. i count my calories to the best of my ability without feeling crazwed by the process. I am trying to control this process this time instead of it controlling me. I have failed in the past becasue of that simple mistake. I am going to hold onto this lifepreserver a lil longer til the waters calm here and I am able to swim ashore and regroup. Hopefully that will be tuesday when the kids go back to school. In the meantime I will push myself to getting in at least two workouts this weekend.

Oh, on an excited note, I got my gymboss timer in the mail yesterday and am so excited to use it. For those of you who do not know what it is, it is an interval timer that you can set for your workouts. I am using to to try and kick my workouts up a notch and walk/jog for a set amount of time two to three days a week. I went to and am following their guidlines. I just started it and am looking forward to taking my journey outside now that I have my lil timer to go with me and help me keep track.

Hoep everyone has a good weekend! Happy Valentine's Day


  1. It's always a bumpy ride - ups and downs but we keep on plugging away and one of these days we will get to our goal! Keep up the good work and a Happy Valentine's Day to you too.

  2. Slow and steady wins the race. Like Lisa @ One Mom's Weight Loss says. You are getting there. You really do have a lot on your plate. Push as hard as you can within your sanity limits.

    That's all you can do.

    I'm pulling for you.

  3. just wanted to say hi
    im new to your blog
